Hi there guys,
Well I was thinking about student exchange, I'm only in first year now doing Arts/Education with hopefully a major in English. So I was thinking either the US or UK? Anyone done exchange before? What is it like? What sort of marks will I need? Anyone recommend a university? Any...
The cut-offs only indicate how much the course is in demand. So don't take that as any indicator as which university offers a better degree. In the end they are both top universities in Australia. Go to the open days and see which degree suits your taste more.
I feel like I keep coming up with stupid questions... But anyway I'm curious as to how scaling or moderating (whatever they do) works in university. So, how does it work?
Hmm well the answer was no to 2/3 of those questions. So I guess it isn't for me...
Funny, I was actually thinking of trying to transfer into Commerce.
This is probably a ridiculous question, but, how do you know if the program you are currently enrolled in is not for you? What exactly was it that made you realise this?
Anyone had experience in this? What did you do, transfer or soldier on?
Okay thanks everyone.
Hmmm online price is about $40 whereas if I buy them from the bookshop it is about $80... I think I will buy them online sometime soon.
Hey all, I'm doing ARTS1030 and I assume we have to buy the prescribed books to read. Is my assumption correct? I would like to buy them online now as it is cheaper and i will have them ready for uni when i start.
Thanks for any help.
I was just making a point about my situation. But I do agree. I don't think anyone should be held responsible for what has happened. It was obviously a bad bad situation for the Aborigines to have been in but come on unless someone in our society is over two hundred years old and was directly...
I know the conversation has moved on slightly from this but my family only came to Australia twenty years ago, like many of the citizens today our ancestors did not take land from the Aborigines. My whole life however I will be paying taxes for something that not only occurred over two hundred...
Fluently - English, Serbian and Croatian
Can speak conversationally only but understand most - Russian and German
Only know the basics - Spanish and Italian