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  1. gibbo153

    For those who believe that homosexuality is genetic

    door-knock evangelism itself doesn't really imply being bothered by someone else's opinion so much as a firm belief in one's own
  2. gibbo153

    Belonging: Related Text Suggestions

    you belong with me - tayler swift
  3. gibbo153

    For those who believe that homosexuality is genetic

    "Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Head of The Human Genome Project wazzaarp
  4. gibbo153

    Business 2010

    buying textbooks early is sometimes not a great idea because some lecturers will straight out say that only 1 or 2 out of the three recommended are actually needed, and also the co-op list is not guaranteed to be correct
  5. gibbo153

    Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

    my dad could beat up your dad
  6. gibbo153

    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    93.35 meh. good enough for uts business so kpmg will not fire me at least. how fantastic.
  7. gibbo153

    Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

    boys have a penis. girls have a bagina
  8. gibbo153

    Forbidden love

    omie is actually dating a Wiccan
  9. gibbo153

    what proof is there that god exists?

    a child's laughter?
  10. gibbo153

    points of inflexion and horizontal p.o.i

    hmm potentially, but its not covered in the 2-unit course so might not be best option for OP if they only do 2-unit
  11. gibbo153

    Life after hsc

    whatever i want, all the time.
  12. gibbo153

    points of inflexion and horizontal p.o.i

    a point of inflexion is just a point where concavity changes on a curve. the 'line' that can be drawn through the point is not horizontal a horizontal point of inflexion = point where concavity changes and the 'line' that can be drawn at the point IS horizontal. kinda hard to explain...
  13. gibbo153

    Forbidden love

    the best thing in the world is when stereotypes prove completely true. this surpasses in hilarity the previous frontfunner of all service station attendants being indian
  14. gibbo153

    Ross Gittins reviews the HSC Economics exam

    Taking account of economic realities - Ross Gittins I feel so demeaned =[; like a small child pretending to wear daddy's suit.
  15. gibbo153

    Economics game = fail

    don't do drugs kids
  16. gibbo153

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    what did you guys read it as?
  17. gibbo153

    When is your last exam, and what are doing right after it?

    5th. so this thursday. after it i don't even know. all my freinds aren't finished and they've forbidden me from reminding them that i exist until they have also finished. so maybe i'll play xbox for about 36 hours straight =]
  18. gibbo153

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    very true. i was referring more to topics like Rome and Caesar where archaelogical sources (of relevance to most questions) are basically limited to coinage, inscriptions etc. its in the core section and most societies sections that archaelogical sources are very very very very important. e.g...
  19. gibbo153

    The best feeling in the world...

    8 units is a very good idea. i know people who have done it and its just the best thing. a whole 2 units of free periods during the week, less exams in your hsc year. you can either just bludge a whole lot more or it will benefit your other subjects. but 4 unit maths is a good option if...