yeah, if anything paying attention to no archaelogical sources is probably not a good idea depending on the question. obviously the ideal response would have both. i didn't do archaelogical stuff for my question but i do caesar and rome, its too tempting just to say quotes cos they seem more...
i focused on how desire featured due to Yeats' own experiences and such as well as just the content of the poem so i did Wild Swans at Coole and When You are Old, cos he's basiaclly like omggz maud you gonna miss me betch and then he's like oh wait i'm a lonely tool
yeah. the 'perimeter of the MINOR SEGMENT' is the perimeter around the segment itself. not just the arc length. so yeah they were but corey has it right
wow really? thats a lot less than i would have thought. we had a bos marker come in and she said she didn't know any of the cutoffs so she didn't say them (she could have lied. which would be annoying)
yeah i'd agree. from what i can tell from past papers i'd say definately the hardest in last 5 years perhaps? and compared to the 90's past papers, so so much harder.
i go to a selective school and the reaction was universal of surprise at how hard it was. even the usual 100%-ers said they...
hey mate thanks for the email! without that i would have forgotten to check my other email account haha. i made a new fancy sounding one for applying for jobs and stuff.. and i haven't checked it for ages. but yeah i looked and i've got the email sounds like fun! good to meet people before ay...
UWS often let people in even if they are below the cut-off. I know of someone who, without qualifying for any bonus points, was randomly accepted into a course 12 points higher than his UAI was.
depends if they're premium notes or just standard resources which anyone can add.
if its the latter, i'd advise not to put it in the bibliography. i wouldn't even put premium in the bibliography.
standard way to get around this is just look up the topic on google books and reference the...
do it. i remember in the most recent/possibly second most recent winter olympics some guy who won a medal for australia was already a millionaire because he invented pop-up ads. i hate him and respect him at the same time
thanks lachie for that disney advice, but we're talking salaries here...
touche. yeah i don't plan to bludge through uni by any means, i'll put in more than enough to make sure i'm getting by. but, i'm not keen to do a harder course for the sake of prestige. ah well, with my failure to really prepare for trials i'd be lucky to make unsw anyway, but then again they...
The Schappelle Corby Indifference Group - for those who know that even if knew enough to make an accurate judgement (which we don't), we still wouldn't care! Fighting the non-chalant fight since 04'
yeah also true. and yeah i'm in audit so yes, much out-of-office work would be done.
but for my contract i go to uni full time for the first six months, and uni and work are usually going to be on separate days, so the immediate train journey to UTS is a definite winner. tbh i'd rather go with...