all true ^^^^^
its just natural. sometimes i just have a dud session where, for no obvious reason, i just don't seem to go as well/feel as good as usual.
sometimes you plateau out a bit and don't make as much progress in the same amount as time as you have been previously, but it picks up...
i only searched for threads, only for the reason that, like you said, singular posts may not be reflective of the topic actually being discussed in a way which will benefit me reading it haha.
Basically I'm indecisive about what to put as my first preference.
While UNSW is more prestigious (yay superficiality), UTS is more convenient.
Further, because i have a cadetship, the prestige factor is less important.. right? In fact, one place I had an interview at PREFERRED UTS over UNSW...
this is true.. however, the contract is separated into different stages.
we are just first stage. and that is the allowance we are given. we get an updated contract when we start each additional stage (the next stage will be when we stop working full time and go back to doing uni full time and...
yeah same here. we like talked personally with the HR person. she's getting married later this year and going on holidays soon. the day was fantastic. i could not disagree more with the impression of KPMG having a 'we don't give a shit' attitude.
hmmm big 4 get more applications than that. at...
55 whore points. what did you do? fellate someone?
haha yeah Yeats was definately not my strongest one, nor was Franky and BR. caesar wasn't fantastic either. good exam all up. well tomorrow i have ancient, maths on thursday, then legal and economics the following thursday
mine are just paid for completely.. i thought most firms did that :confused:
haha i'm pretty sure i will still actually exist outside of work. i might even wear clothes apart from work clothes too, but whatever floats one's boat; as they say..
yeah thats true. to an extent it can't really be claimed that a school is 'cheating' if there are lots of EAS applications in one particular year.. cos its possible that they're all legit =/.
it might have been the same article as astroe said, but i remember hearing about some particular...