Israel and Palestine (2 Viewers)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You're guilty of doing that as well.
You would know that, how?

sam04u said:
Sounds pretty understandable since the European Jews have no right to 'invade' a foreign peoples country.

What a heartless fuck you are. You think that it is ‘understandable’ to not let these people into a country as refugees from a government that wishes to exterminate them??? I have no words to describe how disgusted I am with statement.

sam04u said:
Why weren't they accepted in Britain if they cared so much?

They were, however many were refused. Jewish immigration rested on the shoulders of places like South Africa, Australia, the U.S. and of coarse the British mandate of Palestine.

sam04u said:
It's in Europe and could easily sustain the immigrants without displacing a whole nation.

Displacing who? There was no nation in Palestine, it was run by the British. BTW, Britain had been bombed extensively throughout the war and had food rationed, Britain was hardly up to the task of taking in so many refugees.

sam04u said:
What's the point of that statement?

It means that the British were stranded Jews in Europe, part of a previous debate that I had with Maniella. Or have you not been following the discussion?

sam04u said:
It's the Palestinian peoples land and even under the ottoman empire and the British control, it was still expected to be returned to the Palestinian people.

Correction, the British owned the land. And yes, some parts of Palestine were offered to the Palestinian people in 1948 (which they rejected), that doesn’t mean it was Palestinian land at the time of these events. Another interesting fact: The term Palestinian was actually coined in 1964 by Yasser Arafat (an Egyptian) when he established the PLO.

sam04u said:
Instead, the guilt of the world led to an irrational decision, giving one people a country at the expense of another people.

No the guilt of the world let it to offer a land for the Jews and a land for the Arabs which the Arabs rejected and declared war on the Jews. The only irrational part was the Palestinians rejecting this deal.

Sounds about right. Considering it was the Palestinian people country (These included Jews and Christians. Then when European Jews came it all changed.)
Once again, it was not Palestinian country nor was there such a thing as the Palestinian people at that point.

sam04u said:
What's the point of that statement? It was an Arab country, it's quite normal for the Arab population to grow.

The point of that statement is to show that the Zionists had nothing to do with keeping back Jewish immigrants as was stated in the source that Maniella linked me to.

sam04u said:
Nothing wrong with this decision, as long as the Palestinian people had a say. I still don't see why the British couldn't accept the Jewish Immigrants. It should have been the Palestinian peoples decision whether the immigrants came to their countries.

No, it should always be the decision of the people in charge, and that my friend was the British. Once again you miss the point of that paragraph and it was to show that the British held up the Jews in Europe, not the Zionists. Please follow the discussion or don’t comment.

sam04u said:
If as you say they only migrated to escape persecution why are they still there?

No, I am saying that they came to Palestine to escape persecution and live in a land without anti-Semitism.

sam04u said:
Why haven't they gone home.

Read above sentence. Also incase you haven’t noticed, Europe was a dump after WW2, no one wanted to live there.

sam04u said:
Why do they take the Major cities of the Palestinian peoples land, and their country? While the Palestinians are forced to become refugees?

I have answered that question many times. Read back on my posts.

sam04u said:
It's senseless garbage.

You must be referring to your own arguments, in that sense I agree.

Maniella not reading my posts because they do not a bit of blue shading around them and then using that as a defense for your lack of understanding about the issue does not count as a counter-arguement.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
They use weapons with Depleted uranium.
Haha, actually they didn't. The UN went there and tested the sites, no depleted uranium (or traces of it) were found. Like I've said earlier, do you like making up lies against Israel?

sam04u said:
Nothing gives you the right to criticise the Palestinians. They live in horrible conditions because of Israel,...
So by your conditions you can't criticise Judaism (which you have many times) or Jewish institutions because:

sam04u said:
Lets get some facts down. Because the Jews were Hungry and Escaping war...
Yet you do it almost immediately in the same post.

sam04u said:
They're inferior to the People of god who now occupy Palestine.
Haha! When has any Jew ever said that? There is no such thing about races or religions being superior to each other in Israel or in Judaism. Once again you lie about the religion and the country, please stop doing, it only makes you look even more anti-semitic.

sam04u said:
Anyways, I'm probably not going to respond for a while. I've wasted way to many time dealing with the same old rhetoric. Come at me with some fresh "failed attempts at logic" and then we'll debate.
Congrats JayB, you've got him on the run by presenting him with facts. But as he said:

sam04u said:
Until then I'm going to respond in the usual fashion.
So don't worry it's a downhill battle with this guy! :D


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
They came into a foreign peoples land unwelcomed and then displaced them. They formed militias and military regimes which attacked anybody who opposed their invasion. Palestinians are starving now and living in an unbearable situation because of Israel's existance. Why should the Palestinians suffer, you're such an imbecilic moron.
Arabs came to jewish lands (since 2500 years ago), massacred jews and kept israel as if it belongs to them. God gave them, The British (the legal owner) gave them, the UN gave them. Israel have absolute rights over the land. palestinian should suffer because arabs countries wants them to suffer and use them as scapegoat to attack israel. Only arabs countries can stop their sufferings but No they won't. They will not have someone to wipe their fat ass in Lebanon or some one to beat up whenever they have bad mood in Syria.

It was there land, it's there country. Not by the shaky description of a country, but they lived there. Why should a state which was created in their country be allowed to displace the people already living there? That's the part where it turns from an immigration to an invasion. You don't come into a state and then make selective immigration which oppressing and attacking the remaining Palestinians and consider this to me an immigration. It's an occupation. A zionist occupation of the palestinian peopels land.

Not only did they own the land, but they have a birth right to it. One that extends for 30 centuries. Lets see your own logic on this. It can become a Jewish state because they immigrated there from starvation? (Illogical) then they can deny the Palestinian people the right to the land. Then, they can accuse them of selling the land. And finally, they can claim that they now own the land? You've just broken about a 100 international laws.
Just as arabs countries denies jewish citizens their rights which are not only their brith right, but they actually predates many arabs, confiscate their property and expell them, Israel have the right to refuse citizenship to palestinians. Everything you accused israel of doing it, had been and has always been done towards jews. Cry baby.

It was and is there land. Why can't you accept the fact that Israel occupies the Palestinian peoples land? It was invaded then by the ottoman empire and later the British empire and now the Israeli Empire. What's the difference? It's was invaded by foreigners on three seperate occasions. That doesn't mean it's no longer their country.
Because israel does not occupy any lands from palestinians as there was no people nor country called Palestine or palestinian in world History.

I want you to show me the Australians deed to Australia, the Americans deed to America and even the White New Zealands deed to New Zealand. I'm afraid you wont find either of them, because those were different times. Israels invasion of Palestine is one which is well documented and was done in modern times where it is illegal. The Palestinians should have a right to self-determination, they shouldn't have been forced out of their land. (Yet you can't seem to explain why. Basically all you can do is claim that they sold the land, which you've now denied. Instead you now claim that Palestine didn't exist and the people had no right to the land. That's preposterous. They've been living their for centuries that's enough right to land for me and nearly anybody else. What right to the Jews who immigrated MAINLY from Europe have to the land? They can only point to the bible which says they are the "people" of the land. That's so ridiculous and stupid. Everybody knows that.
An invasion invented by you, which does not exist. Contrary to this I found four seperate article of Arab invasion of Israel, in which they humiliatingly lost.

Jews were killed by Germans because they hated them. Not by Palestinians. Muslim people disliked the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel but it was still the Jewish peoples "decision" to immigrate into the Palestinian land. They were never forced.
israel never forced arabs to leave palestine nor forced them to sell their lands yet they did.

Terrorism = An attack on civilians in order to gain a political or military advantage. It is extremely well documented that they have done this. I mean, they use Cluster bombs which are illegal. That's a terrorist attack. They use weapons with Depleted uranium. They use sulfurs which burn skin (Chemical warfare.)

They're terrorists. There is no doubt about that. Why should one terrorist group be condemned, when the other is not? It's just one of the many double standards Israel has become accustomed too.
I don't remember any single instance in which Israel launched an operation solely to kill civilians, it was and is always terrorists who are the target who cowardly hide behind civilians to cause pains and sufferings to civilians. Use of Civilians as shield by terrorists are well documented.

When they invaded an Arab country, and expelled the millions of civilians which existed there. Contrary to what You and your band of imbeciles constantly regurgitate over 2,000,000 people have been directly "expelled" from the Palestinian land. I was correct in saying millions were "Displaced" not necessarily all palestinians.

Because of the Israeli invasion about 5,000,000 Palestinians exist as refugees throughout the world.
When Arabs countries (lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq) Invaded israel, they created 711000 palestinian refugees according to UN. But as Sam04U apparenly lacks numeracy, the number have been constantly inflated and multiplied 7 times (as the above post just did that) regularly contradicting UN figures which can be seen here on UN website.

Lets get some facts down. Because the Jews were Hungry and Escaping war they deserve to make over 5,000,000 people in a similar position?

Right now as you continually regurgitate so much crap that it becomes useless continually bringing up the same points. 5,000,000 Palestinians live in holes, camps and dungeons. Whilst Israel lives in the comfort of the Palestinian peoples homes.
Lets get some facts, it was Arabs countries who invaded Israel/palestinian areas in 1948 (israel did NOT invade arabs) and made 711000 palestinians refugees, so that they can use them as slave labour in their country. As of even today, almost 400,000 palestinians, who are BORN and BRED in Lebanon are banished in 12 refugee camp, deprived of basic rights of health, food and shelter and treated like vermin by lebanese.

Nothing gives you the right to criticise the Palestinians. They live in horrible conditions because of Israel, yet you say "It's fine because they were invaded. Therefore we can kick them out and make them refugees. Even though the majority of the Israelis who immigrated to Palestine were Europeans. I'm immune to logic and it's evident in my posts. I'm totally pro zionists, who cares about the Palestinians? They're inferior to the People of god who now occupy Palestine."
Nothing gives you the right to critisize israel, you are not even an israeli nor Palestinian. Palestinians live in horrible conditions laid out by various arabs governments despite many of them live extravagant lifestyle with imported food and wines from australia, slave labours from the sub-continent, whores from eastern europe. Even though palestinians are their fellow arabs, they just don't care!
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
More arab lies exposed here.
Hahahaha :rofl: talking about lying, you're the only liar here, and everyone on bos knows that. when I read your post, i laughed so much i ran outta breath!! :rofl:

BritneySpears said:
According to UN, the number of arabs refugee was just 711,000 and of course they never mentioned 800,000 jews made refugees by ruthless arab countries.
Me wonders where that 5 million figure came from

LOL, even your sources say that 711,000 palestinian refugees live in israel, they are internally displaced in their own country, living in controlled israeli-territory. This is a huge number, poor things, they are internally displaced within their own countries :(

Anyway, it turns out that theres even more than 5 million refugees in the world.

It is estimated that there were more than 7 million Palestinian refugees and displaced persons at the beginning of 2003. This includes Palestinian refugees displaced in 1948 and registered for assistance with the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) (3.97 million); Palestinian refugees displaced in 1948 but not registered for assistance (1.54 million); Palestinian refugees displaced for the first time in 1967 (753,000); 1948 internally displaced Palestinians (274,000); and, 1967 internally displaced Palestinians (150,000).

There are about 7.2 million Palestinian refugees worldwide. More than 4.3 million Palestinian refugees and their descendents displaced in 1948 are registered for humanitarian assistance with the United Nations. Another 1.7 million Palestinian refugees and their descendents, also displaced in 1948, are not registered with the UN. About 355,000 Palestinians and their descendents are internally displaced i.e. inside present-day "Israel". When the West Bank and Gaza Strip were occupied in 1967, the UN reported that approximately 200,000 Palestinians fled their homes. These 1967 refugees and their descendants today number about 834,000 persons. As a result of house demolition, revocation of residency rights and construction of illegal settlements on confiscated Palestinian owned-land, at least 57,000 Palestinians have become internally displaced in the occupied West Bank. This number includes 15,000 people so far displaced by the construction of Israel's Annexation Wall. Such dispossession of the Palestinian population continues today.

more than 4.2 million Palestinian refugees are dispersed across areas of the Middle East in which their forefathers originally took refuge, with others are dispersed across the world."
It is estimated that there were more than 7 million Palestinian refugees and displaced persons at the beginning of 2003. This includes Palestinian refugees displaced in 1948 and registered for assistance with the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) (3.97 million); Palestinian refugees displaced in 1948 but not registered for assistance (1.54 million); Palestinian refugees displaced for the first time in 1967 (753,000); 1948 internally displaced Palestinians (274,000); and, 1967 internally displaced Palestinians (150,000).

Therefore, 7 million Palestinian refugees in the world, it is said that 1 in 3 refugees in the world is a palestinian refugee. There are over 4 million Palestinian refugees who are supported and officially registered by UNRWA and who live in refugee camps in neighbouring middle eastrn countries, the rest of the displaced Palestinians live and migrated to the west (Europe, u.s, u.n, Australia, internally displaced i.e. inside present-day "Israel". etc).

So, there you go, end of story, goodbye, the end!! :D

btw, you shouldn't have any "pity" feelings, because your post arent something that people are willing to agree with, they are sooo tacky and cheap :D



Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Hahahaha :rofl: talking about lying, you're the only liar here, and everyone on bos knows that. when I read your post, i laughed so much i ran outta breath!! :rofl:

LOL, even your sources say that 711,000 palestinian refugees live in israel, they are internally displaced in their own country, living in controlled israeli-territory. This is a huge number, poor things, they are internally displaced within their own countries :(
No where in the article says 711,000 palestinian refugees live in israel. That is the total number of Palestinian who left Israel controlled territories. But I realized you lacks comprehension skills of basic documents.

Anyway, it turns out that theres even more than 5 million refugees in the world.

Therefore, 7 million Palestinian refugees in the world, it is said that 1 in 3 refugees in the world is a palestinian refugee. There are over 4 million Palestinian refugees who are supported and officially registered by UNRWA and who live in refugee camps in neighbouring middle eastrn countries, the rest of the displaced Palestinians live and migrated to the west (Europe, u.s, u.n, Australia, internally displaced i.e. inside present-day "Israel". etc).

So, there you go, end of story, goodbye, the end!! :D

btw, you shouldn't have any "pity" feelings, because your post arent something that people are willing to agree with, they are sooo tacky and cheap :D An arab website. another arab website Another arab website.

This proves that why they are always so wrong when it comes to facts and figure. They beleive in lies made up by themselves.

The UN General Assembly clearly said it in its own memo dated 23 october 1950
" The estimate of the statistical expert, which the Committee believes to be as accurate as circumstances permit, indicates that the refugees from Israel- controlled territory amount to approximately 711,000. The fact that there is a higher number of relief recipients appears to be due among other things to duplication of ration cards, addition of persons who have been displaced from area other than Israel-held areas and of persons who, although not displaced, are destitute."
Your sources are trashed to osama's trash bin where they belong.
No wonder no one believes these arab propaganda and lies anymore LOL :rofl:


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
I hate that myth. Show me proof of the Palestinian people benefiting from the sale of their land. Prove that every road, mosque, public service, park, and house was sold to the Jews. Then prove that the people benefited from it.

Then I want you to prove that the every Palestinian sold their right to live in their country, and then show how they benefited from tht sale.
I was just on my way out to take the National Palestinian Census so I could 'prove' all these things...


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Hahahaha :rofl: talking about lying, you're the only liar here, and everyone on bos knows that. when I read your post, i laughed so much i ran outta breath!! :rofl:

LOL, even your sources say that 711,000 palestinian refugees live in israel, they are internally displaced in their own country, living in controlled israeli-territory. This is a huge number, poor things, they are internally displaced within their own countries :(

Anyway, it turns out that theres even more than 5 million refugees in the world.

Therefore, 7 million Palestinian refugees in the world, it is said that 1 in 3 refugees in the world is a palestinian refugee. There are over 4 million Palestinian refugees who are supported and officially registered by UNRWA and who live in refugee camps in neighbouring middle eastrn countries, the rest of the displaced Palestinians live and migrated to the west (Europe, u.s, u.n, Australia, internally displaced i.e. inside present-day "Israel". etc).

So, there you go, end of story, goodbye, the end!! :D

btw, you shouldn't have any "pity" feelings, because your post arent something that people are willing to agree with, they are sooo tacky and cheap :D

"LOL, even your sources say that 711,000 palestinian refugees live in israel, they are internally displaced in their own country, living in controlled israeli-territory. This is a huge number, poor things, they are internally displaced within their own countries"

In their own countries?!?!? They don't believe Israel has the right to exist. Pretty odd claiming you are displaced in the country that shouldn't exist?

Israel should not exist. It should be Palestinian land. All Israelis should hand over their homes and property to the Palestinians. Because then none of us would have to disagree with each other. Those who currently feel so strongly about the displacement of innocent people could then join with supporters of Israel to argue for a place where displaced Israelis could live. Maybe we Australians should hand over where we live, we definitely invaded it so we may as well hand it back to some needy people (considering there soon-to-be displaced status of Israelis). Come on whos with me: offer your home to an Israeli to give a home to a Palestinian. We could call it the single state solution. SO WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YA'...definitely not in Israel that's for sure...
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Good Jobs on those "facts" Maniella.

Israel should not exist. It should be Palestinian land.
It shouldn't have been created. But now that it does exist nobody expects the Jewish people to be driven into the oceans (that's inhumane) One-state solution, End "zionism", and give the Palestinians basic rights. (Create a link inbetween Gaza and West bank.)

Those are the basic things that should happen.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Good Jobs on those "facts" Maniella.
Aha funny how they keep praising eachother's posts and continually ignored the facts tabled by UN instead pulled out their propaganda website to support their lies. :lol:

It shouldn't have been created. But now that it does exist nobody expects the Jewish people to be driven into the oceans (that's inhumane) One-state solution, End "zionism", and give the Palestinians basic rights. (Create a link inbetween Gaza and West bank.)

Those are the basic things that should happen.
I totally support One state solution, palestine and Israel under its rightful owner, Israelis as promised by God, The British and the UN. I also support Palestinians to be treated as humans by their fellow arabs especially in Lebanon (not as vermin). Most importantly an end to islamic terrorism not only in israel, but also in all countries.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Aha funny how they keep praising eachother's posts and continually ignored the facts tabled by UN instead pulled out their propaganda website to support their lies. :lol:
It's not that we're disagreeing with the UN's facts. We're agreeing. We're saying as a result of Israel's existance over 5,000,000 are displaced refugees, including almost 1,000,000 displaced in their own occupied countries. It's not propoganda.

I totally support One state solution
Well we finally have something in common.

Palestine and Israel under its rightful owner, Israelis as promised by God
Israelis? There are muslim Israelis. Do you mean 'Jews'?

The British and the UN.
God promised the land to the British and the U.N? (I don't understand what you're saying.)

I also support Palestinians to be treated as humans by their fellow arabs
Defintely, all people should be treated equal under all governments.

especially in Lebanon
Those who chose to live in camps made that decision. They're still treated as humans, but they're treated as refugees. Lebanon can barely sustain it's own population let alone 500,000 refugees with no money or homes. (The camps ensure their survival. Through aid and accomodation.)

Most importantly an end to islamic terrorism not only in israel, but also in all countries.
Most Importantly an end to all terrorism. (Including Israeli terrorism, which you seem to deny exists. Even though I've proven that it does exist.)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
No where in the article says 711,000 palestinian refugees live in israel. That is the total number of Palestinian who left Israel controlled territories. But I realized you lacks comprehension skills of basic documents. [/font][/color] An arab website. another arab website Another arab website.

This proves that why they are always so wrong when it comes to facts and figure. They beleive in lies made up by themselves.

The UN General Assembly clearly said it in its own memo dated 23 october 1950
Your sources are trashed to osama's trash bin where they belong.
No wonder no one believes these arab propaganda and lies anymore LOL :rofl:

I found some other european, american, british sources, for your veiwing plessure :D

see the number of refugees are all in the millions and not in the 1000's as you claim ;) Read them you'l be shocked at the amount of Palestinian refugees.



Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Good Jobs on those "facts" Maniella.
My pleasure :)

BritneySpears said:
Furthermore, your 5 Million (exaggerated) Palestinians were made refugees by your country Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq (which does not even have any border with israel) invasion of the new State of Israel with a aim of killing all jews. Arabs countries( with millions of soldiers) not only failed but made themselves a fool after being defeated in all fronts by a tiny jewish soldiers (less than 50,000 mostly civilians). Of course as an arab you would never blame yourself for instigating such humiliating wars which only created more problems for Palestinians, your pride is too hard to swallow.

BritneySpears said:
it was arabs (lebs,syrians,egypt,iraq) which made them homeless by invading palestine and Israel.

BritneySpears said:
israel never forced arabs to leave palestine
Wrong Again.

BritneySpears said:
you arabs(lebss,syrians,egyptians) destroyed by invading israel and made the palestinian refugees and continually oppress them for over 50 years.
LOL, Wrong Again

BritneySpears said:
Lets get some facts, it was Arabs countries who invaded Israel/palestinian areas in 1948 (israel did NOT invade arabs) and made 711000 palestinians refugees
Hahahahaha wrong again :D I could go on forever you know :D

Ok let me teach you a couple of things.

The real people who forced and displaced the Palestinian people from their homes and land are the jewish terrorist groups -> Haganah, Irgun and Stern. hese groups basicaly terorized the Palestinian streets, destroyed villages and slaughtered and murdered entire innocent Palestinian families.

They are the ones that committed the Deir Yassin Massacre. if you dont know what it is then this should clear it up for you:

On April 9, 1948, members of the underground Jewish terrorist group, the Irgun, or IZL, led by Menachem Begin, who was to become the Israeli prime minister in 1977, entered the peaceful Arab village of Deir Yassin, massacred 250 men, women, children and the elderly, and stuffed many of the bodies down wells. There were also reports of rapes and mutilations.
This part is chilly, monstrous and horrible:

speaker trucks drove through the streets warning the population to flee and threatening another Deir Yassin.

Israeli Defense Force commander Moshe Dayan, took the unarmed and undefended village of al-Dawazyma, located in the Hebron hills, massacred 80 to 100 of its residents, and threw their bodies into pits. Children were killed by breaking their heads with sticks.
And according to your fav jewish source:

The Times said more than 200 Arabs were killed, 40 captured and 70 women and children were released. [were killed]
Also,Thirty four massacres have occured within a few months -> Al-Abbasiyya, Beit Daras, Bir Al-Saba', Al-Kabri, Haifa, Qisarya. They basically aim to wipe out the Palestinian population.
Also 531 Palestinian villages were entirely depopulated and destroyed. So basically 50% of all Palestinian villages were destroyed in 1948 and many cities were cleared from their Palestinian population including Akka, Bir Al-Saba', Bisan, Lod, Al-Majdal, Nazareth, Haifa, Tabaria, Yaffa, and West-Jerusalem.

This is how israel made the palestinians leave their country, and become refugees!!!
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Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
It's not that we're disagreeing with the UN's facts. We're agreeing. We're saying as a result of Israel's existance over 5,000,000 are displaced refugees, including almost 1,000,000 displaced in their own occupied countries. It's not propoganda.
There are no Palestinian refugees inside Israel, palestinian arabs inside israel have Israeli citizenship and those who dont have citizenship have special rights specifcally people living inside East Jerusalem's arab quarter which was seized from Jordan by Israel NOT from Palestinian during 1967 war.

While the UN facts clearly stated that there are ONLY 711,000 Palestinian Arabs are made refugees from Israel, arab propaganda somehow managed to inflate the number to 5 million or even 7 million according to Maniella. It was probably they multiply like pigs as each arab parents have 50 or more children in their lifetime. That was probably the cause of them being inflated 7 times. That is their problem NOT israelis that they cannot control their sexual deviant.

Israelis? There are muslim Israelis. Do you mean 'Jews'?
God promised the land to the British and the U.N? (I don't understand what you're saying.)
Defintely, all people should be treated equal under all governments.
Israel was promised by God to Israelis, Israel was promised by the British to the jews, israel was created for Jews by the UN through rightful means under international Law in a free and fair manner. It was arab countrie's greed and hatred that destroyed peaceful co-sexistence between Jews and Arabs, by waging war against Israel since its inception.

Those who chose to live in camps made that decision. They're still treated as humans, but they're treated as refugees. Lebanon can barely sustain it's own population let alone 500,000 refugees with no money or homes. (The camps ensure their survival. Through aid and accomodation.)
Most Importantly an end to all terrorism. (Including Israeli terrorism, which you seem to deny exists. Even though I've proven that it does exist.)
No palestinians choose to live in refugee camps, they are banished them by Lebanese Law, as they are restricted from owning property or even renting a house outside refugee camp. You know too well about that and how they are banned from over 70 occupations
If israel committed terrorism, they'll already be on Australia's govt terror list but hey they are not, because they are as innocent as a new born baby when incomes to terrorism. But Hamas and Islamic Jihad are definitely on the list which tells the truth who commit terror acts and who did nt.

Maniella said:

Originally Posted by BritneySpears
it was arabs (lebs,syrians,egypt,iraq) which made them homeless by invading palestine and Israel.


Originally Posted by BritneySpears
israel never forced arabs to leave palestine

Wrong Again.

Originally Posted by BritneySpears
you arabs(lebss,syrians,egyptians) destroyed by invading israel and made the palestinian refugees and continually oppress them for over 50 years.

LOL, Wrong Again

Originally Posted by BritneySpears
Lets get some facts, it was Arabs countries who invaded Israel/palestinian areas in 1948 (israel did NOT invade arabs) and made 711000 palestinians refugees

Hahahahaha wrong again :D I could go on forever you know :D
So all you can say is WRONG, because you have nothing to counter my points :D. Which means my arguments stands high up against no arguments offered by you.

he real people who forced and displaced the Palestinian people from their homes and land are the jewish terrorist groups -> Haganah, Irgun and Stern. hese groups basicaly terorized the Palestinian streets, destroyed villages and slaughtered and murdered entire innocent Palestinian families.

They are the ones that committed the Deir Yassin Massacre. if you dont know what it is then this should clear it up for you:

On April 9, 1948, members of the underground Jewish terrorist group, the Irgun, or IZL, led by Menachem Begin, who was to become the Israeli prime minister in 1977, entered the peaceful Arab village of Deir Yassin, massacred 250 men, women, children and the elderly, and stuffed many of the bodies down wells. There were also reports of rapes and mutilations.
With all the :D:D:D you seems to enjoy that palestinians are killed. The fact is those attacks on Palestinians only happenned after Arabs attacked jewish settlers such as
In March 1920 anti-Jewish riots broke out in Jerusalem ("Bloody Passover"). The British military authorities gave the Arabs a free hand, while arresting the Jewish defenders, led by Vladimir Jabotinsky, who were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. In April 1920, the Jewish settlements in Upper Galilee were attacked by Arabs. Tel Hai and other places were destroyed after a heroic defense in which Joseph Trumpeldor and others were killed. In May 1921 an outbreak of violence in Jaffa was followed by large scale attacks on Rehovot, Petah Tikva, and other places. 47 Jews were killed and 140 wounded. Arab casualties were 48 dead and 73 wounded, mostly due to action by British troops. The disturbances demonstrated the ability of the Arab masses and revealed the relative weakness of the yishuv. The High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, began to backtrack: he ordered a temporary halt to immigration and entered into negotiations with the Arab Executive Committee. The outcome of these negotiations was the White Paper issued by Churchill on June 1922.

Payback time ha ha. Arabs always attacked first and whenever israelis retaliated they cried like babies Boo fucking hooo :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The Arab Revolt 1936 - 1939

The three-year period of disorder and violence, known as the Arab Revolt, began on April 1936, when riots broke out in Jaffa. 16 Jews were killed and many more wounded. The Arabs proclaimed a general strike. The Arab Higher Commission, headed by the Mufti, announced that the strike would go on until the British government fulfilled three demands:
  • The stoppage of Jewish immigration,
  • The prohibition of the transfer of land to Jewish ownership
  • The establishment of a "general representative government".
Shortly after the outbreak of the strike, a campaign of terror was initiated. Jewish property was burnt, Jewish passersby were murdered, and Jewish settlements were attacked. In the hill regions armed bands of terrorists tried to attack Jewish settlements and convoys as well as British police and army detachments. By August 1936, the British had launched a large-scale attack upon the terrorists.
After the end of the general strike in October 1936, an uneasy calm prevailed. In September 1937, two months after the Peel Commission's report, the disturbances were renewed. The armed bands operated on a large scale; their leaders instituted a regime of terror against their Arab opponents; attacks upon the Jews were also stepped up. By the end of 1938, the Revolt began to decline, and by the spring of 1939, it came to an end. 80 Jews fell victim to acts of terror in the period of the strike, while 415 were killed by the terrorists over the entire period 1937-1939. Militarily the Arab Revolt of 1936 - 1939 ended in defeat, but it brought the Palestinian Arabs a political reward - the 1939 White Paper.
Same source.

Not only arabs terrorists attacked jewish settlers but also their fellow arabs who wanted to live peacefully with Jews. Once again thewy got their ass kicked this time by The British.

On the Sabbath, August 24, 70 men and women of the Jewish community in Hebron were slaughtered. Attacks on Tel Aviv and the Jewish neighborhoods of Haifa were repulsed, but on the fifth day of the riots, an Arab mob killed 18 Jews and wounded many more in Safed. Several villages were plundered and destroyed by an Arab mob. Order was restored by British troops. The 1929 violence and riots resulted in a parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (see Shaw Commission of Inquiry) and a report of a British expert (see Hope - Simpson Report), the outcome of which was the the 1930 White Paper, issued by the Colonial Secretary, Lord Passfield.

Irgun and hagannah did a good job in protecting innocent jews from vicious and murderous arabs who have no aim in life other than killings of israelis.

Also,Thirty four massacres have occured within a few months -> Al-Abbasiyya, Beit Daras, Bir Al-Saba', Al-Kabri, Haifa, Qisarya. They basically aim to wipe out the Palestinian population.
Also 531 Palestinian villages were entirely depopulated and destroyed. So basically 50% of all Palestinian villages were destroyed in 1948 and many cities were cleared from their Palestinian population including Akka, Bir Al-Saba', Bisan, Lod, Al-Majdal, Nazareth, Haifa, Tabaria, Yaffa, and West-Jerusalem.

This is how israel made the palestinians leave their country, and become refugees!!!
Another loser story made up by an arab website LOL, they are desperate to portray themselves as victim while the world knows perfectly well that who is who and who was wrong and right. Who declared war and invaded who ;)

Arabs countries Lebs, Syrians, Egypt and Jordan invaded Israel on the day israel got its independence and got their ass kicked by A few thousand Israeli soldiers. Theres no doubt there would not be an arab palestinian refugee if those greedy arabs countries had not invaded Israel . But hey you can't undone your mistake, "Pay the price B!tch " is my condolences to you :D


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
There are no Palestinian refugees inside Israel, palestinian arabs inside israel have Israeli citizenship and those who dont have citizenship have special rights specifcally people living inside East Jerusalem's arab quarter which was seized from Jordan by Israel NOT from Palestinian during 1967 war.

While the UN facts clearly stated that there are ONLY 711,000 Palestinian Arabs are made refugees from Israel, arab propaganda somehow managed to inflate the number to 5 million or even 7 million according to Maniella. It was probably they multiply like pigs as each arab parents have 50 or more children in their lifetime. That was probably the cause of them being inflated 7 times. That is their problem NOT israelis that they cannot control their sexual deviant.
hahaha you are just so naive and immature, dont discuss topics that you dont know about, because belive you me, you are looking like a fool infront of everyone :santa:

The 711,000 refugees that you are talking about refer to the Palestinians who fled Palestine before and during the 1948 Israeli war against them, during the Palestinian exodus.

I've been reading some arguments in other threads on bos, and you have been defending wikipedia ever so passionatly, so I decided to get you some proof from your beloved source.

Today that number has grown to over 4 million

Palestinian refugees Total 4.9 million (including descendants and re-settled)[28]

^^ this is the U.N source that claims the same figure

and there also these sources that claim these figures as well, and these ones are not arab sources!! all of the below are UN sources, U.S sources, and a zionist source. htm

BritneySpears said:
Israel was promised by God to Israelis, Israel was promised by the British to the jews, israel was created for Jews by the UN through rightful means under international Law in a free and fair manner. It was arab countrie's greed and hatred that destroyed peaceful co-sexistence between Jews and Arabs, by waging war against Israel since its inception.
Ha!!! you finally admitted that the U.N promised you the land!! how ironic !!! at last one of your kind admitted it :D

BritneySpears said:
So all you can say is WRONG, because you have nothing to counter my points :D. Which means my arguments stands high up against no arguments offered by you.
dont even fantasize about it, i wronged you because you were wrong, and my explanation was in the remainder of my post....What a coward!! i seriously pitty you.

BritneySpears said:
With all the :D:D:D you seems to enjoy that palestinians are killed.
actually, all thes :D:D:D mean that i was laughing so hard at you when i was reading you post and while i was replying to them, lol, you are absolutly comical.... a classic :rofl:

BritneySpears said:
The fact is those attacks on Palestinians only happenned after Arabs attacked jewish settlers such as .

Payback time ha ha. Arabs always attacked first and whenever israelis retaliated they cried like babies Boo fucking hooo :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Not only arabs terrorists attacked jewish settlers but also their fellow arabs who wanted to live peacefully with Jews. Once again thewy got their ass kicked this time by The British.

Irgun and hagannah did a good job in protecting innocent jews from vicious and murderous arabs who have no aim in life other than killings of israelis.

Another loser story made up by an arab website LOL, they are desperate to portray themselves as victim while the world knows perfectly well that who is who and who was wrong and right. Who declared war and invaded who ;)
actually the poor, weak, innocent palestinians are victims of israel, and yes, the israeli's clearly started those massacres on the palestinians first, so that they can selfishly and greedily, keep the palestinians peoples land for them selves. c'mon admit it its obvious ;)

BritneySpears said:
Arabs countries Lebs, Syrians, Egypt and Jordan invaded Israel on the day israel got its independence and got their ass kicked by A few thousand Israeli soldiers. Theres no doubt there would not be an arab palestinian refugee if those greedy arabs countries had not invaded Israel . But hey you can't undone your mistake, "Pay the price B!tch " is my condolences to you :D
by a few thousand israeli soldiers, you mean the 4th strongest military power in the world? who beg america for weapons, and america so keenly gives it to them(including nuclear weapons). as opposed to the leb, syrian, eygptian and jordanian armies who are not allowed to have nuclear weapons. I wouldnt be too proud of that if i were you, i'l be disgraced (opps, i forgot that im talking to a gender confused guy, who's making a new account everyday and pretending to be a female ;)).....


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
hahaha you are just so naive and immature, dont discuss topics that you dont know about, because belive you me, you are looking like a fool infront of everyone :santa:

The 711,000 refugees that you are talking about refer to the Palestinians who fled Palestine before and during the 1948 Israeli war against them, during the Palestinian exodus.

I've been reading some arguments in other threads on bos, and you have been defending wikipedia ever so passionatly, so I decided to get you some proof from your beloved source.
The fool is ones who refuse to accept official UN figures instead tried to inflate the numbers and include all palestinians who are NOT refugees from Israeli controlled lands. Even your own source said
[SIZE=-1]In fact, according to UN estimates, which some say are conservative, 750,000 Palestinians fled the site of the present Jewish state in 1948. Those refugees and their descendents now number about 4.5 million and constitute the largest and longest standing refugee population in the world.[/SIZE]
The original refugees who left Israel as a result of arabs invasion of Israel on 1948 is nowhere near millions :rofl:

Again, all of your own source said the number of palestinians refugees at around 711000 people in 1948-1950 and said they have now multiplied like pigs and became 4 million. Once again that is their problem, reproducing like piglets in squalit camps. Your own source also said they are refugees after 1948 war, started by arabs countries and they lose as usual. (loser aren't they hey)

Ha!!! you finally admitted that the U.N promised you the land!! how ironic !!! at last one of your kind admitted it :D
Finally and what is ironic? From the begginning Israel was created, UN was at the forefront and instrumental in its formation and thats what gave Legitimacy to Israel while you arabs have no legitimacy whatsoever, from God, from the British or from the UN. There was no country called Palestine and there is NO country called palestine even today.

dont even fantasize about it, i wronged you because you were wrong, and my explanation was in the remainder of my post....What a coward!! i seriously pitty you.
If you have answers you would post them, since you have nothing to counter my superb arguments, all you can say is wrong, wrong , wrong and offer no explanation. Well thats how losers debate anyway.

actually, all thes :D:D:D mean that i was laughing so hard at you when i was reading you post and while i was replying to them, lol, you are absolutly comical.... a classic :rofl:
Yeah I noticed that you also :rofl::rofl: whenever a palestine suicide bomber blew himself up somewhere, because you are insane who celebrate death and sufferings. You are an example of typical arab who wants the worse to palestinians so you can celebrate their death, I saw arabs celebrating 1200 lebs death in beirut.

actually the poor, weak, innocent palestinians are victims of israel, and yes, the israeli's clearly started those massacres on the palestinians first, so that they can selfishly and greedily, keep the palestinians peoples land for them selves. c'mon admit it its obvious ;)
Well your own facts proved the other way around, jewish massacre of Palestinians happened in 1948, while Palestinian massacres of innocent jews already started since 1920 long long before jews even start retaliating in 1948. Arabs always start the fight and always lose and then cried like spoilt child :lol:

by a few thousand israeli soldiers, you mean the 4th strongest military power in the world? who beg america for weapons, and america so keenly gives it to them(including nuclear weapons). as opposed to the leb, syrian, eygptian and jordanian armies who are not allowed to have nuclear weapons. I wouldnt be too proud of that if i were you, i'l be disgraced (opps, i forgot that im talking to a gender confused guy, who's making a new account everyday and pretending to be a female ;)).....
Ha ha more ignorance here Israel didnt even use nuclear in its war against arabs. In 1948, Israel dont even have enough guns not to talk of tanks and jet plane or helicopter. they were mostly civilian volunteers. While arabs have millions of soldiers, armed with tanks and the best weapons yet they got their sorry ass kicked by less than 50,000 jewish settlers volunteers who don't even have proper guns or training. Its truly a miracle, and God's interference. A further evidence that God wants the land to the people it promised. I love it when millions of arab soldiers fell infront of less than 50,000 israeli soldiers like a pack of cards. Its like reading a mythical comic stories :D.

If millions of arabs soldiers cannot defeat an infant jewish nation with less than 50,000 soldiers who don't have proper arms, they stand no chance in defeating israel in with now more than 100,000 soldiers. Perhaps, arabs are not man enough to be decent soldiers, me thinks as you talk about your gender confusion. LOL :D
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

could you stop generalising!

Yeah I noticed that you also :rofl::rofl: whenever a palestine suicide bomber blew himself up somewhere, because you are insane who celebrate death and sufferings. You are an example of typical arab who wants the worse to palestinians so you can celebrate their death, I saw arabs celebrating 1200 lebs death in beirut.
-please quote where she ':rofl::rofl:' when a suicide bomber blew himself up
-who the hell is celebrating death and sufferings? For gods sake i read all your shit posts, and its all about how the Palestinians and whoever goes against Israel deserves to die. Stop being a hypocrite!!!!
-this all happened because of the Israeli soldiers killing those '1200 lebs'
-they celebrated because the Israeli soldiers were leaving their country

In 1948, Israel dont even have enough guns not to talk of tanks and jet plane or helicopter. they were mostly civilian volunteers. While arabs have millions of soldiers, armed with tanks and the best weapons yet they got their sorry ass kicked by less than 50,000 jewish settlers volunteers who don't even have proper guns or training. Its truly a miracle, and God's interference. A further evidence that God wants the land to the people it promised.
This according to your religion? If thats the case then why did the holocaust occur?

If millions of arabs soldiers cannot defeat an infant jewish nation with less than 50,000 soldiers who don't have proper arms, they stand no chance in defeating israel in with now more than 100,000 soldiers.
Dude, have you seen the weapons Israel has? The palestians have nothing. Whe you say the war against Arabs do you mean ALL of them, or just some? Because i know for a fact that some of these Arab countries dont even do crap other than give money to whoever needs it, and talk peace agreements when they will never work.

Perhaps, arabs are not man enough to be decent soldiers, me thinks as you talk about your gender confusion. LOL :D
Now its about who's man enough? Is this Aryan?

Also whats with all the Israeli/Jew sigs?

Arabs always start the fight and always lose and then cried like spoilt child:lol:
Evidence. The name of EVERY war, and show that they LOST every single one of them.
Last edited:


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Evidence. The name of EVERY war, and show that they LOST every single one of them.
1948 - war of independance. "Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948. Almost immediately, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan, and Iraq declared war on the nascent nation. By the conclusion of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Israel had greatly expanded its borders, and signed ceasefire agreements with all its Arab neighbors."

1949-June 11, 1967 : In 1949, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, and blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba, in contradiction to the terms of the Constantinople Convention of 1888. Many argued that this action also constituted a violation of the Rhodes armistice agreement.On July 26, 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Company, and closed the canal to Israeli shipping.

Israel responded on October 29, 1956, by invading the Sinai Peninsula with British and French support. During the Suez Canal Crisis, Israel captured the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula. The United States and the United Nations soon pressured it into a ceasefire, which secured open shipping in the region, complete Israeli withdrawal from Egyptian territory, and the total demilitarization of the Sinai. The United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) was deployed to oversee said demilitarization. The UNEF was only deployed on the Egyptian side of the border, as Israel refused to allow them on its territory.

On May 19, 1967, Egypt expelled UNEF observers,[14] and deployed 100,000 soldiers in the Sinai Peninsula. It then closed the straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, catapulting the region back to the pre-1956 status quo. On May 30, 1967, Jordan entered into the mutual defense pact between Egypt and Syria. President Nasser declared: "Our basic objective is the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

In response, on June 5 Israel sent almost all of its planes on a preemptive mission in Egypt. The Israeli Air Force (AIF) destroyed most of the surprised Egyptian Air Force, then turned east to pulverize the Jordanian, Syrian and Iraqi air forces. This strike was the crucial element in Israel's victory in the Six-Day War.

i think the operative quote there is President Nasser declared: "Our basic objective is the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

June 12, 1967-1973 : In the summer of 1967, Arab leaders met in Khartoum in response to the war, to discuss the Arab position toward Israel. They reached consensus that there should be:
No recognition of the State of Israel.
No peace with Israel.
No negotiations with Israel.

In 1969, Egypt initiated the War of Attrition, with the goal of exhausting Israel into surrendering the Sinai Peninsula. The war ended following Nasser's death in 1970.

On October 6, 1973, Syria and Egypt attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, overwhelming the surprised Israeli military. The Yom Kippur War accommodated indirect confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union. When Israel had turned the tide of war, the USSR threatened military intervention. The United States, wary of nuclear war, secured a ceasefire on October 25.


Following the Camp David Accords of the late 1970s, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty in March, 1979. Under its terms, the Sinai Peninsula returned to Egyptian hands, and the Gaza Strip remained under Israeli control, to be included in a future Palestinian state.


In October, 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement, which stipulated mutual cooperation, an end of hostilities, and a resolution of other unsorted issues.


In June, 1981, Israel successfully attacked and destroyed newly built Iraqi nuclear facilities in Operation Opera.

During the Gulf War, Iraq fired 39 missiles into Israel, in the hopes of uniting the Arab world against the coalition which sought to liberate Kuwait. At the behest of the United States, Israel did not respond to this attack in order to prevent a greater outbreak of war.


In 1970, following an extended civil war, King Hussein expelled the PLO from Jordan. The PLO resettled in Lebanon, whence it staged raids into Israel. In 1981, Syria, allied with the PLO, positioned missiles in Lebanon. In June, 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon. Within two months, the PLO agreed to withdraw thence.

In March, 1983, Israel and Lebanon signed a ceasefire agreement. However, Syria pressured President Amin Gemayel into nullifying the truce in March, 1984. By 1985, Israeli forces had mostly withdrawn from Lebanon, and Israel completed its withdrawal in May 2000, leaving behind a power vacuum which Syria and Hezbollah soon filled.


In 1987, the First Intifada began. The PLO was excluded from negotiations to resolve it until it recognized Israel and renounced terrorism the following year. In 1993, Israel and the PLO signed the Oslo Accords, and their Declaration of Principles, which, together with the Road map for peace, have been loosely used as the guidelines for Israeli-Palestinian relations since.

so there you have it shifty, every major conflict involving israel and the arabs. all started by the arabs and with every one ending in israel victorious.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Lebanon '82 is a bit of a mixed bag. The Israelis went through the Syrian army and air force like a hot knife through butter. But they got pulled into a war of attrition with the unconventional forces that they never convincingly won. If you read up on that war the incompetence of the Syrian army is really something to behold.

But it's true that whole books have been written trying to explain why the Arabs are so poor at conventional warfare.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Great what about the Lebanon/Israel war in 06? When you destroy half a country then retreat and still dont get the soldiers you set out for, its not a win.

There were Israeli women during the war, who wanted the Israeli gov to bring back their soldiers, coz they didnt want innocent people dying in Lebanon, and they didnt want their own children dying either. Yet here, you people encourage the war.

Do you people really think that by killing people it will make you safer? And by that i mean, by killing innocent children/women, who have nohing to do with the war.

i think the operative quote there is President Nasser declared: "Our basic objective is the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."
Isnt that obvious? Why wouldnt that be their aim, when they believe that the Israelis stole the land from their people. And if you go to war, what exactly would you aim for? To destroy half the country then walk away or destroy it all so you wont have to worry about them coming back?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Great what about the Lebanon/Israel war in 06? When you destroy half a country then retreat and still dont get the soldiers you set out for, its not a win.
Not exactly a win of goal, not a lose, not a status quo but a complete hammering of lebs terrorists and destruction of terrorists infrastructure by israel therefore Israel Won.

There were Israeli women during the war, who wanted the Israeli gov to bring back their soldiers, coz they didnt want innocent people dying in Lebanon, and they didnt want their own children dying either. Yet here, you people encourage the war.
There were many lebs who wanted terrorists to release their hostage so as to avoid the wrath of Israeli anger. Yet here you support those terrorists calling them freedom fighter and encouraging violence against israel.

Do you people really think that by killing people it will make you safer? And by that i mean, by killing innocent children/women, who have nohing to do with the war.
Do you really think suicide bombing and launching crude rocket simply to cause mayhem and kill innocent civilians by hizbollah and hamas will make you safer? I mean, by killing innocent children, women and old men as terrorists always targeted civilians?

Isnt that obvious? Why wouldnt that be their aim, when they believe that the Israelis stole the land from their people. And if you go to war, what exactly would you aim for? To destroy half the country then walk away or destroy it all so you wont have to worry about them coming back?
No it is not obvious, egyptians are not palestinians, syrians are not palestinians, lebs are not palestinians and israel does not stole lands from anyone. If it was right for Arabs countries to aim to destroy Israel completely then why are you complaining about half of lebanon destroyed by Israel as you claimed? Should not you apply your logic of complete destruction of your enemy and therefore, allow israel to destroy lebanon completely and solve the problems once and for all? :mad1:

JayB said:
In the summer of 1967, Arab leaders met in Khartoum in response to the war, to discuss the Arab position toward Israel. They reached consensus that there should be:
No recognition of the State of Israel.
No peace with Israel.
No negotiations with Israel.
LOL They made such big goals and look at how they are the first ones to breach their own Oath. Egypt and Jordan already signed peace treaty with Israel and recognised Israel. They are humiliating themselves all the time.

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