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  1. K

    limits question

    so u could use l'hopital's for lim<sub>x-->0</sub> tanx/x?
  2. K

    Maths textbooks

    it can help to a certain extent, up till the point where u find the questions too easy. if you want to succeed, u need to challenge urself. and this can't really be done with MIF....only with a book like fitz.
  3. K

    Selective schools?

    i go to a non-selective private school and the competition is still pretty strong. one teacher suggested i possibly go to a selective school for more of an opportunity to excel. however, i think my ranks would probably drop, and i might be worse off. so, overall, i'm pretty happy with my school...
  4. K

    Exemplar Extended Responses

    i've searched through the resources section and found some Band 5/6 responses. do you know where i might be able to find some exemplar responses as well?
  5. K


    your 2 units of english will be counted no matter how badly u do in it's best to try your hardest in english - it's the only subject that must be counted.
  6. K

    inverse trig integration

    it seems ironic in a way that 3U students actually have to think of a method of solving it, and yet 4U students can use integration by parts, which is probably easier... :) btw. i don't know if it is coz i haven't started 4U yet.
  7. K

    limits question

    what exactly is l'hopital's method? i've heard it in these posts, but i don't know what it is. is it part of university maths??
  8. K

    Deriving Projectile Motion Equations

    so if, for example, u were asked to find the range of the particle, could u just quote the path equation and go from there? so it isn't necessary to derive the horizontal and vertical components first and find the path equation before proceeding to find the range?
  9. K

    Preliminary vs HSC - difficulty?

    what would happen if the questions in the actual hsc exam were more difficult for one option? is that just bad luck? what if they spotted that the highest mark in forensic was only 80%, and yet for the others, several students got 95%??
  10. K

    Preliminary vs HSC - difficulty?

    thx for ur opinions :) is it possible to read ahead into hsc topics while in year 11? coz i had a flick through excel hsc chem. and hsc conq. chem and it just confused me - in fact, i didn't understand any of it, so there wasn't much confusion at all :confused:
  11. K

    cross method of factorisation?

    except for the quintic. some guy proved that there is no general formula for a quintic :)
  12. K

    Repeating before getting results back.

    yea, i was considering that. however, i guess i'll have to study hard since i'll have two assessments in one day (one for 2U and one for 3U)
  13. K

    Maths textbooks

    i agree that MIF can't be totally disregarded. it has a few interesting questions. however, i think the only section you'll find those in is the "challenge" section. apart from that, they aren't very challenging. but then again, every textbook has its positive and negative aspects and are...
  14. K

    Way Behind

    what if 1st, 2nd and 3rd are within close proximity of each other e.g. 0.5 between 1st and 3rd? would there much of an advantage in coming 1st? would u be scaled much if u were coming 3rd? btw. to what degree of accuracy are internal assessments marks reported to the BOS? 0.1, 0.01?
  15. K

    UAI estimate

    did SAM under or overestimate ur result? btw. in general, does it tend to overestimate, or underestimate?
  16. K

    Repeating before getting results back.

    i'm doing maths a year ahead, but i'm still not sure whether i'll keep my 2U/3U mark or repeat, or do 4U. how am i meant to make the decision to repeat or not if i haven;t got my hsc results back by term 4??
  17. K

    Deriving Projectile Motion Equations

    suppose a question in an exam only involves a basic situation involving projectile motion i.e. starts from O, projected at an angle @ etc. is it still necessary to derive all the equations....path, time of flight etc. or can u just quote them? or is derivation only required when u have a...
  18. K

    Review my work!!!!

    so is it a holiday sorta thing? or is something u might do after school? coz if its the latter, i don't think i'd have time anyway.
  19. K

    Maths textbooks

    my teacher says MIF is awful relation to both the difficulty of the questions and the sequence of work. i don't think couchman is that good either. MIF and couchman are probably better for an intro. to a topic, then u'd use fitz and cambridge for reinforcement/harder qs. i would then...
  20. K

    cross method of factorisation?

    so i guess the cubic formula isn't something u can quote in an exam.... :) is there a quartic formula? i'd like to see how big that one is :)