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  1. K


    in that case, i guess ur friend's cheating....tsk tsk. :rolleyes: and even so, u said "found a couple of 'exploratory excersises' in a book somewhere..".....y not just say: "my friend needs some help with the mathsearch comp".....blah. :confused: ah more help for queenie or her...
  2. K


    when did u get urs?? got mine yesterday, but i've got a lot of assessments, so i don't have much time to do it. :) i think i know how to do most of part a. :) did u read the "preamble" and the introduction to cubolinear stuff? lol, do we really need to know aboit structures and systems and...
  3. K

    MANSW Maths Lectures

    IYO, worth the $25??
  4. K


    interesting..... i wouldn't mind having that "exploratory book".....might help me for the MANSW Mathsearch Comp. :) they're the first three exercises of the Mathsearch Comp. booklet....what book was that again :) any chance of lending it to me :)
  5. K

    HSC paper

    i had a 90min HSC 2U half-yearly....was worth 60 marks.....90mins seemed reasonable for that exam. maybe even a bit too much. how many questions were in ur prelim. 2U paper? how many marks?
  6. K

    MANSW Maths Lectures

    a link??? got anything to do with the MANSW lectures?
  7. K

    MANSW Maths Lectures

    Has anybody been to any of the MANSW's maths lectures at Sydney Uni? If so, would you recommend people go? Do they give out notes and questions etc, or do you they just talk for 2.5 hours?
  8. K

    Progress on Business/Economics...??

    i'm sure ur eco. teacher knows what he/she is doing. they generally have a plan of what they want to finish by when anyway. at my school, we don't have yr11 half-yearlies. we just have two weeks of major exams at the end of term 3. instead, we just had an assessment or two due around the end of...
  9. K

    Progress on Business/Economics...??

    ok seems as though everybody seems to be at around the same topic etc. thx.
  10. K

    Aligned marks rounded to the nearest whole??

    so, even though u may get an actual aligned mark of 49.4/50, it would just be reported to u as 49/50? but in the scaling of the marks, the uac would use 49.4? what if u get 49.5/50? does that mean it's reported to u as 50/50? or does it get rounded down?
  11. K

    Progress on Business/Economics...??

    Commonly asked question......but just wondering what topics/chapters everybody is up to in Business and/or Eco. Economics: up to Ch.10 in "The Market Economy" - Labour Markets etc. Business: up to Employment Relations in Key Business Functions.
  12. K

    english speech

    what makes a good public speaker??? we've got a few good debaters and public speakers in our school, particularly in my grade. pretty tough to compete with them. :(
  13. K

    2u maths advice...

    what's the challenge in having an assessment with notes to use in the exam?? coz it doesn't really distinguish the good students from the poor students (at least in 2U anyway). in 3U notes don't even help that much at all.
  14. K

    Aligned marks rounded to the nearest whole??

    Aligned marks are always given as whole numbers. When the BOS moderates and aligns internal assessment marks, the marks wouldn't end up as whole numbers would they? If that's the case, wouldn't that mean you'd actually lose up to 4 marks if your marks kept getting rounded down? e.g. 10 units...
  15. K

    Does ranking affect your hsc/uai marks

    in the old HSC, good students would be "pulled down" by lesser able students wouldn't they? does this happen in the new HSC. u said that "measures are taken to avoid negatively impacting the rest of the group"......i do business studies, and the candidature pretty much ranges from the most...
  16. K

    Advice and Help

    even though business and ipt are scaled fairly lowly, it doesn't mean u can't get a good uai with them. scaling is meant to be a method of "evening the playing field". i think it's a frequently-made misconception that low-scaling = bad marks. try out SAM with the low-scaled subjects.....doing...
  17. K

    A New Template for Pracs?

    yea, that was gonna be my next question. so, a prac is just an investigation of theory work?? coz my teacher said they examine u on practical work as well. actually, on the syllabus, the left-hand side is theory and the right-hand side in generally practical isn't it?
  18. K


    and what are those answers?
  19. K

    HSC paper

    1337? Elite?
  20. K


    if he's doing economics at uni: 1. why is he posting in the hsc maths section? 2. is the question supposed to make sense, even in uni economics?