Search results

  1. C

    Have I stuffed it?

    And if my ranks didn't improve, what would I be looking at?
  2. C

    Have I stuffed it?

    I'm doing poorly in 3 of my 12 units, i'm ranked 7/11 in Legal Studies (I hate the subject and the teacher) and I got back a Studies of Religion mark today, 30/36 :( (I was ranked 5th in the previous task), so i'd imagine my ranking to be now around 18/36. My school is ranked horribly (like mid...
  3. C

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    It seems that at my school the formal is invite-only, ie not everyone is invited. It's a student run formal (well no, it's run by this one b**** who thinks she runs the grade), but still it seems unfair that not everyone is invited. I think i'm invited (not 100% sure but pretty certain) but me...
  4. C

    ATAR Estimate Please?

    I'm at a school that's ranked in the 300s, and my rankings are: English - 12/32 Business Studies - 1/11 Economics - 3/6 (nb, the top 3 are very close, like within a couple of percentage points) General Maths - 6/28 Legal Studies - 7/11 (not going to make these units count if possible)...
  5. C


    Can anyone translate this into understandable English? "Our interest in the parallels between Frankenstein and Blade Runner is further enhanced by consideration of their marked differences in textual form" Thanks :)
  6. C

    Have I stuffed my HSC? Failed an English assessment?

    I just got an English assesment mark back (for Hamlet), and I got 28/32. I was actually expecting to do quite well in it, but yeah, that didn't really happen obviously. My ranking in the previous assessment was 7/32. So my question is, have I stuffed my HSC? In addition, i'm guessing it's too...
  7. C

    Funny Number Plates

    Best one i've ever seen was 'RCHCNT' on a Porsche 911.
  8. C

    Help with Hamlet please?

    I have an essay coming up about Hamlet (for Module B). I don't know the question (nobody does). What would be some things that I could write about? I hate Shakespeare and have a dull teacher, any help appreciated. Thanks
  9. C

    Hamlet essay help?

    I have an essay coming up about Hamlet. I don't know the question (nobody does). What would be some things that I could write about? I hate Shakespeare and have a dull teacher, any help appreciated. Thanks :)
  10. C

    English Ext drop or not to drop?

    I really shouldn't have chosen English Extention 1. I kind of chose it on impulse when the person in charge of subject choices told me that I should switch from Geography to Ext 1 because Ext 1 scales better and all that yada yada. Thing is, I was good at Geography and as I found out, pretty bad...
  11. C

    Belonging/Navigating The Global related texts?

    So, it looks like I shouldn't study The Castle. Anyone got any good texts that I could study?
  12. C

    Belonging/Navigating The Global related texts?

    What would be a couple of related texts that fit in with BOTH Belonging (Advanced) and Navigating The Global (Extension 1). My teachers have suggested Bowling For Columbine and The Castle, would you suggest these and if so, how do they fit in with the areas of study? I've never seen Bowling For...
  13. C

    Good related texts for Advanced and Extention 1?

    What are some good related texts for Belonging and Navigating The Global? I know I don't really need them until half yearlies and people from school that I've talked to about it haven't chosen them yet, but i'd like to get a bit of head start. My teachers have suggested The Castle and Bowling...
  14. C

    Study plans for the holidays?

    I'm going to: - Read my English Advanced and Extention 1 texts, and find some related texts. I also have an assessment due in Extention 1, so i'm going to do that. - Go over Economics, I kind of switched off a bit the last few weeks of term. - Go over Business Studies, I didn't do as well...
  15. C

    Does any other school have before/after school classes?

    For some reason, my school seems to have a fetish for after and before school classes for Year 12. The before school classes start at 7:30am and the after school classes finish at 5pm. At least one of my subjects (Economics) is going to have one of these classes. It's a massive PITA because...
  16. C

    screwed up my life, help please...

    Losing 11 marks in 4U maths...better start practicing 'want fries with that?' ;) Not really. As others have said, it's only your first task and it's all about rank.
  17. C

    Would this be considered an 'approved misadventure'?

    My teacher e-mailed me a business studies assesment task (an assignment). It is due on Wednesday. For some reason, the school's e-mail network is down (it's not just my home computers, it's down for everyone) and I can't access it to get the assignment notificaton, therefore I cannot do the...
  18. C

    How many 99.95 for 2011??????

    The last time my school got a 99.95 was in 2009 lol.