Search results

  1. C

    Honest ATAR estimate?

    What kind of ranking would I need to get in those two to get to 92-93?
  2. C

    Honest ATAR estimate?

    What would I need to improve to get 92.3 (what I am aiming for)?
  3. C

    Honest ATAR estimate?

    Here's my subjects. My school is ranked about 350th (lol). General Maths - 1/33 Studies Of Religion - 12/38 Advanced English - 2/34 Extention 1 English - 6/12 Business Studies - 5/12 Economics - 1/6 Thanks :)
  4. C

    Is anyone else's school doing the same?

    Basically my school is flooding me with assesments for every subject in the space of about two weeks, this seems a little ridiculous. Anyone else's school like this?
  5. C

    Anyone else finding homework very time consuming?

    Only do homework in Year 12 if you think it will actually benefit you. If it's pointless or too easy, don't do it :)
  6. C

    I have no idea what to drop! Help?

    If you're on 12 units, don't drop anything. At my school, they really discourage dropping subjects as students with 10 units consistently do worse in the HSC than students with 12 units.
  7. C

    Getting teachers to pre-read assignments?

    I have an assignment due in about a week in Economics, I want my teacher to pre-read it (just to give me an idea on what I would need to fix up). Can my teacher do this? I know they can't pre-mark, but can they pre-read?
  8. C

    Mathematics or General Maths?

    Pick 2 Unit. If you are finding that to be too difficult next year, you can always drop to General any time before the end of Prelim.
  9. C

    Subject ranks?

    What rank you are in your class, ie who got the highest combined mark in Year 11 would be ranked first, second highest ranked second, etc etc.
  10. C

    Subject ranks?

    Business, Economics and General Maths, first in all.
  11. C

    ATAR estimate?

    Is it possible to be a little more specific?
  12. C

    Holiday pre-study

    Our teachers have told us to enjoy this break as a holiday, i'm probably going to read over my textbooks for next year, but i'm not going to study hard or anything. The Christmas holidays, i'm probably going to study a fair bit (I am going on holiday though). Not 10 hours a day or anything...
  13. C

    Giving up Facebook for Year 12

    I'm not going to be one of those people who studies 24/7 for a year. I just can't do that, i'll lose motivation and give up. I'm not giving up Facebook, not giving up video games, not giving up my job and not giving up extra curricular activities. From what i've heard from former students it's...
  14. C

    ATAR estimate?

    School rank: Around 350 Courses: Business Studies - 1/13 Economics: 1/6 General Maths: 1/27 Legal Studies: 7/13 Advanced English: 8/30 Extention 1 English: 5/11 Studies Of Religion: 8/34.
  15. C

    What is St Paul's Grammar like?

    Going by what is written on that Wikipedia page, I don't think it is a reliable source at all :D
  16. C

    What is St Paul's Grammar like?

    Wow, I don't think i've ever seen my school mentioned on here before. St Paul's is a pretty good school if you ask me. I'm assuming you're going to do the HSC (the IB is also offered at St Paul's), so what I say here is based on my experiences in the HSC, but I wouldn't think there would be much...
  17. C

    Another 2 weeks and it starts

    I'm trying not to be one of those people who gets uber stressed about starting Year 12. From former students I have talked to, it's just like another year of school. I'm not going to start studying 5 hours a day as soon as I hit next term, if I do that I think i'll peak too early, ie lose...
  18. C


    HARSH? If I broke into my school on the weekend and vandalised anything (let alone 'large scale vandalism) chances are i'd get expelled. You're lucky they are only suspending you. People get suspended for some pretty trivial things though at my school, maybe your school is a little more lax.
  19. C

    ATAR estimate please?

    My school is ranked about 350th. English Advanced - 6/30 English Extention - 3/12 General Maths - 1/29 Business Studies - 1/14 Economics - 1/6 Studies of Religion (1u) - 8/34 Legal Studies - 5/12. Thanks :)
  20. C

    If you could turn back the clock...

    3u English. Hate, hate, hate it.